> wellness with Autumn Falls Health Tea

wellness with Autumn Falls Health Tea

Liqiu: The First Solar Autumn Falls

The First Solar Autumn Falls, Liqiu, has arrived. Liqiu means the end of summer and the autumn falls. After Liqiu, people will feel a little cool, but the daytime temperature in most parts of China is still high, and the weather is changeable, with continuous rain or clear and dry weather. Today, let's talk about the appropriate tea substitutes after Liqiu to help you prevent autumn dryness and eliminate dampness.

    Transition From Summer to Autumn

    Avoid wind and dryness first. How to gain weight in autumn varies from person to person.

    After the beginning of autumn, you should avoid wind and dryness. When it comes to mental health, you should avoid sadness and sorrow. It is relatively cool in the morning and evening in autumn, so it is suitable for more outdoor activities. In autumn, you should go to bed early and get up early. In terms of diet and health, it is recommended to "nourish yin and moisten the lungs to prevent autumn dryness, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and be careful not to gain weight."

    Nourishing Yin and How to Moisten Lungs

    To nourish yin and moisten the lungs, you can eat more juicy foods that nourish yin, promote fluid production and moisten the lungs, such as lily, yam, lotus root, sesame, honey, loquat, milk, etc. Eating more vegetables and fruits can supplement vitamins and minerals in the body, neutralize excess acidic metabolites in the body, and play a role in clearing heat and detoxifying. Eat less spicy and fried foods.

    Colors of Autumn Weight Gain

    The amount of fat you put on in autumn varies from person to person. People who are usually strong or obese should be careful not to put on too much fat in autumn to prevent excessive nourishment and the breeding of phlegm and dampness. Autumn is dry, so it is a good time to strengthen the spleen. You should pay attention to a light diet and eat food or medicine that has the effect of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, such as yam, Euryale ferox, coix seed, Poria cocos, tangerine peel, jujube, etc.

    Enshi Yulu Tea: Early Autumn

    The beginning of autumn and Enshi Yulu are the best match

    Yulu Enshi is a traditional Chinese green tea produced in the City of Enshi in China, Enshi Tujia, and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province. This tea is steamed green tea, and its production process and tools are quite ancient. The color of Enshi Yulu soup is bright green, like jade dew, with a refreshing aroma and a mellow taste. Its appearance is pleasing, and drinking its tea soup is refreshing. 

    Modern research shows that this tea has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, sterilizing and anti-inflammatory, regulating blood pressure, and regulating blood lipids. At the beginning of autumn, the seasons alternate, the day is hot and the night is cool, the heat toxins are hidden inside, and blood pressure is prone to fluctuations. Drinking this tea can also remove dampness and turbidity and regulate blood lipids.

    Tea Substitutes

    Foods that Nourish the Lungs, Strengthen the Spleen, and Prevent Dryness

    Drinking tea instead of tea at the beginning of autumn is suitable for "nourishing yin and to moisten lungs to prevent dryness in autumn, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and eliminating dampness and turbidity."

    Lily, mulberry leaf, and chrysanthemum tea: 3g lily, 3g mulberry leaf, and 3g chrysanthemum, brew with boiling water and drink as tea. 3-5 cups per day.

    Lily is slightly cold in nature and sweet in taste. It enters the heart, lung, and stomach meridians. It can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear the heart and calm the mind, nourish lung yin and clear lung heat, nourish heart yin and clear heart heat, and nourish stomach yin and clear stomach heat. Mulberry leaves are cold in nature and sweet and bitter. They enter the lung and liver meridians. 

    They can dispel wind-heat, clear the lungs and moisten dryness, suppress liver yang, clear the liver, improve eyesight, cool blood, and stop bleeding. Chrysanthemum is slightly cold in nature and spicy, sweet, and bitter. It enters the lung and liver meridians. It can dispel wind-heat, suppress liver yang, clear the liver, improve eyesight, clear heat, and detoxify.

    The three medicines can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear heat and relieve sore throat. It is a healthy drink that nourishes yin clears dryness, moistens the lungs produces fluid, and prevents autumn dryness in autumn. It is especially suitable for people with obvious autumn dryness, dry mouth and nose, and dry and itchy throat.

    Lily, Poria, and Tangerine Peel Tea: 5 grams of lily, 5 grams of Poria, and 5 grams of tangerine peel. Brew with boiling water and drink as tea. 3-5 cups per day.

    Lily nourishes lung yin and clears palm heat, London heart yin and clears the heat of the heart, and stomach yin and clears the heat of the stomach. Poria coco is a mild herb with a sweet taste. It reaches the heart, spleen, and lung pathways and has damp-reducing and water-eliminating properties, tonifying the spleen and stomach, and the heart calming. 

    Citrus tangerine peel has warm properties and a bitter taste. It enters the spleen and lung meridians and can warm the stomach and dispel cold, regulate qi and strengthen the spleen, and eliminate dampness and resolve phlegm. It is especially suitable for those with dry lungs, internal heat in early autumn, weak spleen and stomach, and phlegm and dampness. This tea is mild in nature and taste, and it harmonizes the spleen and lungs. It warms without being hot and eliminates dampness without being dry. It is best to drink it at the beginning of autumn.

    Mulberry Leaf, ophiopogon japonicus, and Tangerine Peel Tea 3g mulberry leaf, 5g Ophiopogon, and 3g tangerine peel, brew with boiling water and drink as tea. 3-5 cups per day.

    Mulberry leaves dispel wind-heat, clear the lungs, and moisten dryness; tangerine peel regulates qi and strengthens the spleen, dries dampness, and resolves phlegm. Ophiopogon japonicus is slightly cold and slightly bitter and sweet. It can nourish yin and clear heat, promote fluid production and quench thirst, clear the heart relieve restlessness, and calm the mind. The three herbs are used together to clear away heat and dryness, moisten the lungs, and relieve cough. People with thirst, dry throat, and dry nose can drink it to eliminate the warm and dry attack on the lungs at the beginning of autumn.


    October transitions the season and images of autumn have filled the market since Liqiu almost mid-July; therefore there is the opportunity but more a necessity of change in both lifestyle and eating habits. An important aspect of remaining healthy is preventing autumn dryness, reinforcing nutrition to the spleen, and protecting the lungs. With the help of suitable tea substitutes and changes according to the season it is necessary to prepare oneself for the winter months without any difficulties and imbalances throughout the particular period.

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