> What is Mental Health?

What is Mental Health?


With the continuous progress of social civilization, people have a higher pursuit of happiness and health. Mental health, an important indicator of human health that was easily ignored in the early days, is now receiving more and more people's attention.


    Defining Mental Health


    World Health Organization (WHO)


    Mental health includes “WHO well-being, a sense of personal efficacy, autonomy, interaction with other people, and the ability to realize one’s intellectual and emotional potential.”[5] The World Health Organization further pointsa out that personal happiness includes the realization of one's abilities, the ability to overcome the stress in daily life, productive work, and contribution to the group [6]. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and many related professional theories all affect the way "mental health" is defined [5]. Another definition of mental health was proposed by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud: “the ability to work and love” [7].

    Factors for Chinese Mental Health

    Factors for Chinese Mental Health


    The standards and evaluation factors for Chinese mental health are also blank. Recently, through repeated surveys and research, Chinese mental health experts have established six standards and evaluations:


    1. Emotional stability and a sense of security.

    2. Understand and accept oneself.

    3. Self-learning and independent living.

    4. Interpersonal relationships are harmonious.

    5. Role functions are coordinated and unified, that is, the behavior is consistent with age, the behavior is consistent with the environment, and personal satisfaction is achieved.

    6. Adapt to the environment and cope with setbacks.


    Explanation of Terms


    Individuals can adapt to the developing environment and have perfect personality characteristics; their cognition, emotional response, and volitional behavior are in a positive state, and they can maintain normal control capabilities. In life practice, being able to correctly understand oneself, consciously control oneself, and correctly treat external influences, so as to maintain psychological balance and coordination, already possesses the basic characteristics of mental health.


    The basic meaning of mental health is that all aspects and activity processes of the mind are in a good or normal state. The ideal state of mental health is to maintain an intact personality, normal intelligence, correct cognition, appropriate emotions, reasonable will, positive attitude, appropriate behavior, and good adaptability. Corresponding to mental health are mental sub-health and mental illness. Mental health means different things from different perspectives and is measured differently.


    Mental health is an inseparable and important aspect of modern people's health. So what is human mental health? There are standards for people's physical health, and there are standards for people's mental health. However, people’s mental health standards are not as specific and objective as people’s physical health standards. Understanding and mastering the definition of mental health is of great significance to enhancing and maintaining people's health.


    When people master the standards for measuring people's mental health, they can use it as a basis to compare themselves and conduct self-diagnosis of mental health. If you find that one or more aspects of your mental condition are far from the mental health standards, you will strengthen your mental exercises in a targeted manner in order to achieve a level of mental health. If you find that your mental state seriously deviates from mental health standards, you should seek medical treatment promptly for early diagnosis and early treatment.


    Mental health refers to a sustained and actively developing state of mind in which the subject is able to adapt well and realize its full physical and mental potential. Mental health education is an important part of the "new health education". It aims to cultivate physically and mentally healthy social citizens. Through the use of health management methods, it focuses on the improvement of the campus environment and functional environment and complements the improvement of the humanistic environment. with teachers and students as two main bodies, providing scientific, healthy, and professional guidance.


     "New Health Education" has built a special health guidance room (psychological consultation room) in the school, with professional psychological counselors stationed in the school for a long time to guide students' healthy psychological development by offering psychological courses and carrying out extracurricular activities. At the same time, a "family chat room" is opened to open a channel for family connections and pave a smooth path for the healthy growth of students. [1]




    1 The quality of congenital inheritance;

    2 The pros and cons of external stimulation;

    3. The level of psychological quality;

    4. Availability of mental health services.

    Maintenance approach


    1. Pay attention to optimizing marriage and eugenics, and avoid congenital defects;

    2 Optimize the real environment and reduce adverse stimuli;

    3. Strengthen psychological cultivation and improve psychological quality;

    4. Accept psychological education and learn psychological adjustment;

    5 Take the initiative to ask for help and relieve your heart problems in time [2].


    Health Standards


    Mental Health Standards


    Psychologists describe the criteria for mental health as the following:

    Have a moderate sense of security, self-esteem, and a sense of value for one's own achievements.

    Self-criticize moderately, neither boasting too much nor criticizing oneself too much.

    In daily life, have moderate initiative and not be influenced by the environment.

    Be rational, realistic, and objective, have good contact with reality, be able to tolerate setbacks in life, and have no excessive illusions.

    Moderately accept personal needs and have the ability to meet such needs.

    Be self-aware, understand your own motivations and purposes, and be able to make objective estimates of your abilities.

    Be able to maintain the integrity and harmony of personality, adapt personal values ​​​​to social standards, and be able to concentrate on one's own work.

    Have realistic life goals.

    Have the ability to learn from experience and be able to adapt to the needs of the environment and change themselves.

    Have good interpersonal relationships and have the ability to love and be loved. On the premise of not violating social standards, you can maintain your own personality, neither be too flattering nor too seeking social approval, have personal independent opinions, and have standards for judging right and wrong.


    Standard for the elderly


    Good psychological quality is beneficial to strengthening physical fitness and improving disease resistance. What kind of mental state is healthy for the elderly? Relevant scholars have formulated 10 standards for mental health:

    Full sense of security.

    Fully understand yourself.

    Make life goals realistic.

    Maintain contact with the external environment.

    Maintain the integrity and harmony of personality.

    Have certain learning ability.

    Maintain good interpersonal relationships.

    Able to express and control one's emotions appropriately.

    Use your talents and interests to a limited extent.

    Without violating social moral norms, the basic needs of individuals should be satisfied to a certain extent.


    An Middle-Aged Standard


    Feeling and perception are good. Determine things without illusion.

    Good memory. Able to easily remember a seven-digit phone number at a glance.

    Sound logical thinking. Think clearly and clearly when considering and answering questions.

    Rich imagination. Good at associations and analogies, but not random thoughts.

    Moderate emotional response. Handle emergencies appropriately and be emotionally stable.

    Strong will. Do things from beginning to end, do not act rashly, do not suppress sorrow, and can withstand sorrow and joy.

    Have a kind attitude, optimistic mood, be able to enjoy yourself, be able to eliminate anger by yourself, and pay attention to self-cultivation.

    Good interpersonal relationships. He is willing to help others and is popular with others.

    Learning hobbies and abilities remain basically intact. Care about all aspects of information and be good at learning new knowledge and skills.

    Maintain certain hobbies and maintain a lifestyle that you pursue and yearn for.

    Basically consistent with the psychology of most people. Comply with moral and ethical concepts.

    Maintain normal behavior. Have strong self-care ability and can effectively adapt to changes in the social environment.


    Teen Standards


    Normal intelligence.

    Have emotional stability and coordination.

    Have good social adaptability.

    Have harmonious interpersonal relationships.

    Moderate response-ability and coordinated behavior.

    The mental age is consistent with the actual age.

    Have the ability of psychological self-control.

    Have sound personality characteristics.

    Have self-confidence.

    Have psychological tolerance.


    Children's standards


    1. Normal intellectual development.


    Normally developed intelligence refers to an individual's intellectual development level commensurate with his or her actual age, which is one of the important signs of mental health.


    2. Stable emotions.


    Mentally healthy adolescents have an advantage in experiencing positive emotions such as optimism and satisfaction. Although there will be negative emotions such as sadness, confusion, failure, and frustration, they will not last long. They can express and control their emotions appropriately to keep them relatively stable.


    3. Able to understand oneself correctly.


    Have a full understanding of yourself, know the value of your existence, be satisfied with yourself, and strive to make yourself more perfect. You can carry forward your own strengths, fully understand your own shortcomings, and consciously work hard to overcome them. Have your own ideals, be full of confidence in the future, and continue to achieve new achievements in study, work and other aspects.

    Have Good Interpersonal Relationships.


    Mentally healthy children and adolescents have positive and good interpersonal relationships. Respect others, understand others, be good at learning the strengths of others to make up for your own shortcomings, and be able to get along with others in a friendly and tolerant manner. They can be sincere and frank in front of others, so they can easily gain the trust of others and establish harmonious interpersonal relationships. They have high prestige in the group and live a fulfilling life.


    Stable and coordinated personality.


    Personality is also called personality, and personality is expressed as a person's entire mental outlook. Mentally healthy people have a sound "self", have a correct understanding of themselves, can objectively evaluate themselves, and can effectively control and regulate their own personality tendencies and personality psychological characteristics.


    Love life.


    Mentally healthy people love life, can deeply feel the beauty of life and the fun in life, and actively look forward to a better future. Ability to fully utilize one's potential in all aspects of life and not lose confidence in life due to setbacks and failures. Be able to correctly deal with practical difficulties and promptly adjust their thinking methods and behavioral strategies to adapt to various social environments.


    Level self-assessment


    Professor Freeman, a famous psychiatrist at Harvard University in the United States, believes: "Psychological factors account for a large proportion of the causes of people's illnesses."

    The World Health Organization considers mental health to be more important than physical health. The 16 questions for measuring psychological aging are listed below. You may also wish to take a test:


    1 Have you become very forgetful?

    2 Are you often at a loss for what to do?

    3. Do you always focus on self-centered things?

    4 Do you like to talk about the past?

    5 Are you always a whiner?

    6 Are you indifferent to what is happening in front of you?

    7. Do you feel alienated from your loved ones or even want to live alone?

    8 Do you find it difficult to accept new things?

    9 Are you overly sensitive to things that concern you?

    10 Are you unwilling to interact with others?

    11 Do you feel that you have fallen behind the times?

    12 Are you often impulsive?

    13. Do you often feel sad for no apparent reason?

    14 Do you feel that life is boring and meaningless?

    15 Have you gradually become fond of collecting impractical things?

    16. Do you often get angry for no reason?

    If your answers to more than 7 questions are yes, then your psychology is experiencing an aging crisis, and you should be careful to protect your psychology.




    Although people's living standards are gradually improving, there is one issue that cannot be ignored, and that is health. Many people are in a sub-healthy state. Sub-health is not a healthy state, but a very dangerous unhealthy state. Because in this process, although it looks healthy on the surface, it is actually very dangerous. It is equivalent to the state before the fuse is about to break, and psychological health is very important, so it is very necessary to analyze and solve the psychological state.

    Mental Health Characteristics


    Mental health is very important to a person. It means that a person's physiology, psychology and society are in a harmonious state of mutual coordination. Its characteristics are as follows:


    1. Normal intelligence: This is the most basic psychological condition for people to live, study, work, and labor.


    2. Emotional stability and happiness: This is an important sign of mental health. It shows that a person's central nervous system is in a relative state of balance, which means the coordination of body functions. A mentally healthy person behaves in a coordinated and unified manner, his behavior is controlled by consciousness, his thoughts and actions are unified and coordinated, and he has the ability to control himself. If a person's behavior and thoughts are contradictory, lack of concentration, confused thoughts, fragmented language, and disorganized work, psychological adjustment should be carried out.


    3. Good interpersonal relationships: When people live in society, they must be good at getting along with others, helping others, and establishing good interpersonal relationships. People's communication activities can reflect people's mental health. Normal and friendly interactions between people are not only a necessary condition for maintaining mental health, but also an important method to obtain mental health.


    4 Good adaptability: People live in a complex and ever-changing world, and will encounter many environments and changes in their lives. Therefore, a person should have good adaptability. No matter what changes there are in the real environment, they will be able to adapt. Mental health is not an extraordinary state of superman, and a person's mental health does not necessarily manifest in every aspect. As long as you can correctly understand yourself in life practice.


    5 Introspection ability: Life is complicated. Only with a calm heart, constantly introspecting your mentality and behavior, constantly improving your own shortcomings, and washing the darkness in your heart with dust-free rain, can you gain a foothold in the world.


    Physical Health


    The World Health Organization defines health as: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not the absence of disease or infirmity." From the WHO's definition of health, we can see that it is significantly different from our traditional understanding: it includes three basic elements:

    (1) physical health;

    (2) mental health;

    (3) social adaptability. Social adaptability is the internationally recognized primary standard of mental health. Comprehensive health includes two major parts: physical health and mental health. The two are closely related and inseparable. This is the essence of the concept of health.


    Many people think that physical health and mental health are two unrelated concepts. In fact, this is incorrect. In real life, mental health and physical health are interconnected and interact with each other. Mental health affects people's physical health at all times. If a person is withdrawn and in a depressed state for a long time, it will affect the secretion of endocrine, reduce people's resistance, and diseases will take advantage of the situation. If a person who is originally healthy always suspects that he has some disease, he will be depressed all day long, and finally he will really fall ill.


    Therefore, in daily life, on the one hand, we should pay attention to a reasonable diet and physical exercise, and on the other hand, we should cultivate our sentiments, broaden our minds, and avoid being in a tense emotional state for a long time. If you feel that your mood is constantly unhappy, you should adjust your psychology in time, and go to a psychological clinic or psychological counseling center for help if necessary to ensure comprehensive psychological and physiological health.


    With the rapid development of natural sciences and the advent of the information age, the society we live in is also undergoing unprecedented changes. The degree of industrialization, modernization, socialization, and integration is constantly improving; people's pace of life is constantly accelerating, time is becoming more and more precious, and people are increasingly driven by efficiency; autonomous, creative labor and advanced intellectual labor are increasing; people's scope of activities is constantly expanding, people's interactions are increasing, and dealing with subtle and complex interpersonal relationships is inevitable for everyone; the intensity of various competitions is also becoming increasingly huge, and the differences in income, social status, etc. between people are becoming more and more significant.


    In real life, many so-called normal people are sad and upset all day long, taking sleeping pills to get by, struggling and suffering in depression and despair for a long time, and even going to the dead end of suicide; many people are accompanied by alcohol all day long, get drunk when they touch alcohol, beat and scold people; many people are hostile, conflict, sue, and commit crimes; many people often catch colds, suffer from non-organic diseases such as high blood pressure and arthritis, and even suffer from terminal illness and die early; many people are incompetent, frustrated, down and out, and poor; many students do not study well; many people are troubled by sexual problems; many people cannot get along with others normally and get along harmoniously, and are suspicious all day long; many families are distressed by the mental illness of their members; many couples are not in harmony, quarreling, fighting, and divorced...


    As mentioned above, each of us should be mentally healthy, but because of the psychological damage we have suffered in the course of life. The so-called normal people in life are actually not in the best state of human beings, but in a sub-healthy state between the best state of human beings and disease. We are actually far away from the abilities given to us by nature.


    Living in such a complex and confusing environment requires people to have a higher psychological quality to adapt to the requirements of the times and society. People have begun to realize the importance of mental health and pay more and more attention to the mental health of themselves and their relatives and friends.


    Let us use psychological science to maintain the mental health of ourselves and our relatives and friends, work, live and enjoy life in a better physical and mental state.


    Abnormal Psychology


    The essence of psychological abnormality is the cause, mechanism and psychological structure of abnormal psychology. Psychological abnormality is the disorder of brain structure or function or the disorder and distortion of people's reflection of objective reality. It not only reflects the abnormality of personal self-concept and certain abilities, but also reflects the social interpersonal relationship and personal life adaptation disorder.


    Distinguishing Criteria


    The most commonly used distinguishing criteria are mainly the following:

    Self-evaluation criteria: If you think you have psychological problems, your psychology will certainly not be completely normal, but generally there will be no major problems. People with basically normal psychology can fully perceive the difference between their psychological activities and their previous ones, the difference between their psychological performance and others, and so on. This kind of self-evaluation is called self-awareness in psychiatry.


    Psychological test standards: Psychological tests can form evaluation scales through representative sampling, establishment of normative samples, test reliability, test validity and standardization of methods, which can avoid the subjective views of experts to a certain extent. However, psychological tests also have errors and cannot replace the diagnosis of doctors.


    Etiology and pathology classification standards: This standard is the most objective and is a medical standard that treats psychological problems as physical diseases. If a certain psychological phenomenon or behavior in a person can be found in pathological anatomy or pathophysiological changes, then this person is considered to have a mental illness. His psychological manifestations are regarded as symptoms of the disease, and the cause of his occurrence is attributed to brain dysfunction.


    External evaluation standards: People's psychological activities are always manifested in all aspects of life. If everyone thinks that someone has a problem, it is generally correct. Even if the people around him don't see it, professionals can judge whether the person has a problem through various manifestations.


    Social adaptability standards: Under normal circumstances, the human body maintains a physiological and psychological balance, and people can adapt to and transform the environment according to the needs of social life. Therefore, the behavior of normal people conforms to the norms of society and can act according to social requirements and moral norms, that is, their behavior conforms to social norms and is adaptive behavior. If due to organic or functional defects, the individual's ability is impaired and he cannot act in a way recognized by society, resulting in the consequences of his behavior being unsuitable for himself or society, then this person is considered to have psychological abnormalities.


    Seven Unhealthy Mentalities


    1 Depression For various reasons, adolescents will be unhappy, sad, and silent. If they are in this state for a long time, they should be given full attention.

    2 Narrow-mindedness It manifests as being petty, narrow-minded, unable to tolerate or understand others. They also hold grudges over trivial matters and love to get stuck in a dead end.


    3 Jealousy When others are better than themselves, they show unnaturalness, discomfort, or even hostility. What's worse, they even use attacks and slander to vent their inner jealousy.


    4 Panic There is a sense of fear of the environment and things, such as fear of needles, fear of darkness, and fear of ghosts. In mild cases, the heart beats violently and the hands tremble. In severe cases, the patient cannot sleep, suffers from insomnia, and screams in dreams.


    5 Cruelty If they are unhappy about a little thing, they will vent to others, throw things, fight, and swear. Some people will tease others for their own pleasure, and they will be sarcastic and have no warmth in their hearts.


    6 Sensitivity That is, nervousness, suspicion, often taking others' unintentional words and irrelevant actions as contempt or ridicule, and for this reason, they are moody and have great mood swings.


    7 Inferiority complex Lack of confidence in oneself, thinking that they are inferior to others in all aspects, whether in study or in life, always regard themselves as inferior to others, and cannot raise their heads. This inferiority complex seriously affects one's emotions, lacks interest in oneself, and has a strong sense of depression.


    According to the World Health Organization, more than 10 million people attempt suicide every year worldwide; five of the top 10 diseases that cause the greatest functional disability are mental disorders; it is estimated that the burden of neuropsychiatric diseases in China will rise to a quarter of the total burden of diseases by 2020.


    In China, according to conservative estimates, about 190 million people need professional psychological counseling or psychotherapy in their lifetime. According to surveys, there are more than 16 million patients with various mental and psychological disorders among the 1.3 billion population, and 30 million teenagers are troubled by emotions and stress among the 150 million young people. Psychological experts remind you:


    When you encounter troubles in life and are ready to choose a psychological counselor to go into the consultation room, you should choose a psychological counselor with a relevant educational background in psychology, medicine or education, who has received professional training, has long-term and rich experience in psychological counseling and treatment, is relatively experienced, and is recognized by professional psychotherapy associations or society.


    There are many schools of thought in the psychological counseling and treatment industry, among which the most common ones are psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, client-centered therapy, reality therapy, behavioral therapy, interaction therapy, Gestalt therapy and "rational emotive therapy". According to statistics from the American Counseling Association, there are already 300 recorded psychological counseling and treatment therapies, and they are still increasing. American psychologist Perry Landon believes that all these therapies can be roughly divided into two categories.


    One is cognitive insights therapy, which aims to alleviate people's psychological confusion and obstacles by changing and improving their cognitive methods.


    The other is behavioral modification therapy, which aims to correct people's bad behavior by establishing new conditioned reflexes. In fact, in actual practice, people often use both and complement each other.

    Health Psychology


    Health psychology mainly studies the following three aspects:


    1 Psychological problems in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of physical diseases;


    2 Psychological problems in defense stress and treatment of reactive psychological disorders;


    3 Psychological issues in the cultivation and establishment of a healthy lifestyle.



    Health Therapy



    ·         In a fast-paced society, the topic of sub-health has become the focus of people's attention.

    ·         Sometimes I can't sleep at night.

    ·         Sleep restlessly, or wake up after falling asleep and have many dreams.

    ·         Often have headaches for unknown reasons.

    ·         Often feel inexplicable emotional depression, always feel uncomfortable in the heart.

    ·         When facing pressure and conflict, various voices struggle in the heart, making people feel at a loss.

    ·         Facing goals and ideal blueprints, there is a deep sense of helplessness and vulnerability.

    ·         Live in stress, anxiety and tension.

    ·         What exactly do "sub-health" and "disease" mean? How can we adjust ourselves to a healthy and happy state of life? What kind of information can we get from our bodies. In traditional concepts, people tend to look at themselves in an objectified way: including their own bodies. We see ourselves as victims of disease, with our body, mind and spirit separated. Our failure to monitor ourselves leads to symptoms at different levels of life: physical sub-health, psychological stress, anxiety, self-hatred, and inconsolable loneliness. It is also reflected in our relationships: we are full of energy of accusation, anger and 


    Complaints Towards Others.


    The concept of "sub-health" exists in physical diseases, but also in psychological diseases, that is, a person's psychology is between healthy psychology and unhealthy psychology, and more often people's physical "sub-health" is caused by psychological "sub-health". For example, some people are upset all day, have no appetite, and can't sleep well. Because the cause is not found in time, the physical constitution of the body is deteriorated, and the physical disease takes advantage of the opportunity to enter, which leads to the occurrence of major diseases.



    The body-mind-spirit therapy is mainly composed of three modules.


    Cognitive level:


    1. Better understand the reasons for modern people's physical and mental anxiety and even physical and mental fatigue.


    2. Understand the formation and relief mechanism of stress, as well as its relationship with emotions, energy and body.


    3. Understand how childhood life and family affect a person's life beliefs and life scripts.


    Behavioral level:


    1. Practice awareness and recognize the relationship between self-patterns and emotional stress.


    2. Learn important methods for emotional and stress management and daily stress relief.


    3. Master the methods of consistent communication and expression of emotions.


    4. Inner harmony creates external abundance and joy.


    Physical level:


    1. Talk to the body.

    2. Master the Rick breathing method.

    3. Meditation.

    4. Understand and apply bioenergy.


    Improve the quality of healing from five aspects:


    1. Well-Being: Master the tools to quickly improve physical and mental energy through body work, Rick breathing, etc.


    2. Feeling: When I


    Factors affecting the mental health of primary and secondary school students


    External social factors


    (1) Social factors;

    (2) School factors;

    (3) Family factors;

    (4) Mass media factors;

    (5) Network factors.


    Internal factors of students


    Standards for the mental health of primary and secondary school students

    1 Mental health in learning

    (1) Being the subject of learning;

    (2) Gaining satisfaction from learning;

    (3) Promoting physical and mental development from learning;

    (4) Maintaining contact with the real environment during learning;

    (5) Eliminating unnecessary fears during learning;

    (6) Forming good learning habits.


    Mental health in interpersonal relationships

    (1) Being able to understand each other's rights and obligations;

    (2) Being able to understand others objectively;

    (3) Caring about the requirements of others;

    (4) Sincere praise and kind criticism;

    (5) Actively communicating;

    (6) Maintaining the integrity of one's own personality. 


    Self-related mental health


    (1) Be good at correctly evaluating oneself;

    (2) Know oneself through others;

    (3) Timely and correct attribution can achieve the purpose of self-awareness;

    (4) Expand one's life experience;

    (5) Establish aspirations based on one's actual situation;

    (6) Have self-control. [7]


    Appropriate Crying


    Crying is an instinctive emotion of human beings and one of the four basic emotions: joy, anger, sorrow and fear. From a psychological point of view, human emotions are stimulated by the outside world and act on the heart. When these emotions accumulate to a certain extent, they will inevitably show natural expression of emotions.


    American psychologist William Fry once studied tearing behavior from the perspective of physiological psychology. Over a period of 5 years, he studied thousands of tearful subjects. The results showed that in a month, men rarely cried more than 7 times, while women cried more than 30 times. According to the motivation for crying, he divided tears into reflex tears (such as being stimulated by onions) and emotional tears. 


    Emotional tears are what we usually call real tears. For example, we often see newlyweds crying at weddings, crying when arguing with others, and crying at funerals.

    From a mental health perspective, if a person cannot cry, then he has an emotional disorder and needs treatment. And physiologically, the secretion of tears promotes normal cell metabolism and prevents tumors from forming.


    Psychologists believe that crying is good, and people who love to cry are not necessarily fragile people. Those who cry when reading books or watching movies are much more determined at critical moments than those who "don't cry easily". People who cry do not mean that they are unhappy. On the contrary, people who can't cry are actually some unfortunate people.


    Understanding mental health is important for enhancing and maintaining people's overall health. If you find that one or more aspects of your mental condition are different from mental health standards, you will strengthen psychological training in a targeted manner in order to achieve mental health levels. If you find that your mental state seriously deviates from mental health standards, you should seek medical treatment promptly for early diagnosis and treatment.



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